Jul 29, 2020
The Therapy for Black Girls Podcast is a weekly conversation with Dr. Joy Harden Bradford, a Licensed Psychologist in Atlanta, Georgia, about all things mental health, personal development, and all the small decisions we can make to become the best possible version of ourselves.
Am I the only one who's turned to video games to soothe myself the past couple of months? I have to admit I am enjoying the cool breezes and relaxing scenery of my island in Animal Crossing. While I'm new to gaming, I know that lots of other Black women have found a real sense of community in this space and wanted to learn more about it. For this conversation I was joined by Dr. Melissa Boone. Dr. Boone and I chatted about why so many of us have turned to games like Animal Crossing during the pandemic, the evolution she’s seen in terms of making gaming a more inclusive space, tips for parenting your young gamers and she shared how her experiences as a Social Psychologist have made her uniquely suited for the work she does currently.
Resources Mentioned
Visit our Amazon Store for all the books mentioned on the podcast!
Where to Find Dr. Boone
Twitter: @TheRubyValkyrie
If you're looking for a therapist in your area, check out the
directory at https://www.
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